Homework: Due February 28th

1) Create a User Journey Map (like we did in class). 

• Use your persona as your user.
• Include: Phases, Actions, Thinking, Feeling, Pain Points, and Opportunities.


2) Wireframes 

• Read:
Basic Patterns for Mobile Navigation and
UI/UX Navigation Design Glossary

• Draw: 
- When drawing your wireframes, figure out what needs to be on each screen and what the flow is between different screens. Draw every important screen and figure out the order that you move between screens.

- Think of the overall experience of the entire app. Don't get caught up designing every detail the login process.

- Use these iPhone sketching templates to hand-draw your wireframes. Or if you prefer use graph paper.

- Cut up your 8.5x11 pages so you can  put your individual wireframes in the proper order – like a stack of cards)

- When you have all the important screens draw and have established the flow between screens, re-draw your wireframes so they look good for presentation. Use black and grey felt-tip pens in different weights. Focus on your craftsmanship as a draftsman.

- Draw at the resolution of the examples below, and look at reference to help you articulate your screen designs (i.e use and study similar apps, and look to inspiration at places like here and here


3) Do these tutorials: Sketch Essential Training and  Sketch for UX Design
. We will be using Sketch in class next week and throughout the semester. 

* If you are using a PC and Adobe XD, do similar Lynda.com tutorials for Adobe XD. 


Due February 28th (at start of class) 
Bring these things to class and upload pics to your Dropbox folder: 

• User Journey Map 
• Wireframes

Also be sure to complete the Sketch tutorials.