Over the next three classes (and until the end of the semester), we will be building on the skills learned over the course of the semester to test and improve our app design incrementally, and create a strong presentation of your design as a final deliverable.
This is an opportunity to identify and fix things that aren't working, redesign key features, design icons and delightful transitions, develop your visual identity, give your work personality, and more. Transform your work!
As usual, you will be uploading work and assigned grades weekly. In addition, you will also receive a grade on your final presentation design that will be worth 25% of your overall grade for the semester.
For this week, your homework is to create an online presentation of your project. Start by creating a series of presentation slides that you will be stacking vertically to be viewed on a scrolling portfolio project webpage. There are lots of examples of this in the reference link below.
This presentation design will include:
• Introduction slide:
with your App logo, Logotype, Tagline (a short phrase that describes your app), and a mocked-up key screen.
• Overview slide:
with a description of you app in about three direct, well-written sentences.
• Visual & Interactive Concept:
Show how a key details and interactions work, and why they were design the way they are. (stuff like: warm and clean, continuous & intuitive, image focused, easy to use, friendly, hip and delightful — think about what your app does on a high level, and how your design decisions support that)
• Visual Identity:
Your logo design, typography choices, and color palette
• Icons:
If you designed custom icons (or are going to), show them.
• Process: Show your process from hand-drawn sketches to wireframes
• Demo slides (multiple slides):
Walk us through how your app works or what the key features are by showing key screens and/or animations of screen transitions.
• End slide:
Just a considered way to end your presentation deck – a blank slide with your logo, show your loading screen, or thank your visitor.
Keep in mind:
• You can design the individual pages in a software program of your choice and export them as PNG, JPG, and GIFs before uploading to a webpage.
• You don't need to put this work on a publicly searchable webpage. You can create a blog page specifically for this project that you will delete at the end of the semester. Feel free to use blogger – you're only designing a single scrolling project page, not a whole site.
View select portfolio project links here.
There are a ton of other great examples on Behance.com and Dribbble.com and other places.
Due May 9th:
• Upload (to dropbox) a link to your published online webpage of your project presentation