HW: Due April 18th – Motion for interactions and transitions

1. If you are new to Adobe AfterEffects, complete the tutorial: After Effects CC Essential Training (and/or start here). If already know the basics, move to step 2.

Creative Cow's AE-Basics is another resource on YouTube. 1-12 is "essential" and there are 89 total videos.

And here is a video on easing in and easing out 

2. Complete the tutorial: Creating a mobile interface with After Effects.

• Take the necessary time to do all the steps of this tutorial. It's very important you learn these skills so you can apply them to your design.

• Obviously, download the work files so you can follow along. Don't just watch!

3. Based on the tutorial, and using AfterEffects, create a animation sequence for your app that feature animated transitions. This will be a two-week project.

For this week:

a) Study Material Design Guidelines section on Motion. Plan out what motion you will have in your app's animated sequence.

b) Define your user journey – how your user accomplishes the main task of your app and define what the main screens are to animate that sequence

• Keep in mind that you will not be animating everything your app can do, just a main function of your app. The tutorial shows about 7 transitions over 3 different screens. Make a similar short sequence and do it well.

• You will likely have to design aspects of your screen designs to plan to animate it. Do so.

c) Finalize the designs of your main screens in Sketch import them into After Effects. (Try this way; save your individual Sketch screens as SVG files that you can open in Illustrator, change the file to .AI and import into AfterEffects)

- Keep in mind: Don't have ever single object in Sketch import in on it's own layer. Flatten things that don't need to be on their own layer.

d) Begin designing your app animation in After Effects. Complete at least one simple, but well-executed animation. It should be "quick, clear, and cohesive" with proper "easing curves" as outlined in Google Material Guidelines.

e) Export your work as a gif.

Due April 18th (at start of class)
1. Complete all work listed above. 
2. Upload to Dropbox:  Animated gif of your single screen sequence.
3. Bring to Class, all supporting files, fonts and other materials. We will be working in-class.

Due April 25th (at start of class)
1. Upload to Dropbox: Animated gif of your in-process multi-screen animation sequences
2. Bring to Class: All supporting files, fonts and other materials

Due May 2nd (at start of class)
1. Upload to Dropbox: Animated gif of your FINISHED multi-screen animation sequences
2. Bring to Class: All supporting files, fonts and other materials

HW: Due March 21st

Continue designing working on your interactive prototypes in Sketch and InVision. Focus on refining the details to pixel-perfect perfection, and designing just the right screens to demonstrate how the user gets through the main task/s of your app.

Due March 21st
Upload to dropbox and bring to class:
• InVision Link

And bring to class
• Working Files