Read: Read The App Design Handbook pages 1-26. Know the material — read it twice and take notes if you need to.
• Understand the capabilities of an iPhone and what is possible for an app to do (this is covered in the reading).
• Learn about what kinds of apps are out there already. (See: App Store, App Smart, but don't limit yourself to just these two sources).
• Identify issues that people have may be solved with this technology (Think big and broad, as well as specific and small).
Ideate: What is an app that will make life better for someone? Once you have a grasp on what an app has the ability to do, think up as many ideas for new apps as you can. Go for quantity over quality — you can edit down to your best ideas later.
Prototype: Take your best app idea and develop it:
• Name the app
• Write the App Definition Statement: a short, concise, clear declaration of your app's main purpose and it's intended audience.
• Create a bullet-point list of it’s features (the main things that your app does to enable users to accomplish the app's main purpose)
Also: We will be using the software Sketch and the online software InVision in this class.
• If you plan to buy a $50 student copy of Sketch for your personal computer, order it here:
• Using your school email address sign up for unlimited use of InVision here: Use this code: 56-73-13-19
• Accept my emailed invitation to your class Dropbox folder
Due February 7 (before the beginning of class)
1. Teach us about an innovative app that is new to you:
• In just a few well-written sentences:
- describe with the existing app does,
- describe how it does it what it does,
- tell us why it is interesting and innovative.
2. Show your ideation process:
• Take pics of your notebook/sketchbook pages and upload to Dropbox. It should show tons of different ideas and how one idea leads to another.
3. Refine your best idea or ideas:
• Name the app. Write the App Definition Statement: Write a short, concise, concrete declaration of your app's main purpose and it's intended audience. Create a bullet point list of it’s features (resources: The App Design Handbook & iOS Human Interface Guidelines).
• Repeat this process if you have multiple ideas you want to explore.
4. Sign up for InVision and order your copy of Sketch if you plan to.
Upload your word document and pictures of your notebook pages to Dropbox. Have a printed copy of your refined best idea (#3) and your existing innovative app description (#2).